Solo Agers: A Growing Demographic

An increasing number of older adults are navigating their later years on their own. According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2021), there are approximately 22 million adults age 55+ who live alone in America, and an estimated 28 percent of them are childless. To understand more about their unique needs, Mather Institute conducted an online survey with 183 solo agers about their concerns related to aging and preparations for the future. Solo agers were defined as those who are age 55+, not married, live alone, and without an adult child they can rely on as they get older.

Solo agers have a wide range of concerns, but their most pressing are similar to those of other older adults and involve maintaining their autonomy:

  • 82 percent were somewhat/extremely concerned with maintaining their mobility
  • 69 percent were somewhat/extremely concerned with their independence as they age
  • 57 percent were somewhat/extremely concerned about staying mentally engaged
  • 48 percent were somewhat/extremely concerned about maintaining social connections


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